How to be Charming



Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.  But I feel that Charming is what Charming does.  In other words, everyone can be charming.  Snarling, unhappy, bitter, angry, offensive, cruel…you get the idea…people, have no place in our lives. Surround yourself with Charming people.  I’ve done just that and it’s fantastic!!  You all know who you are, btw. 😉


Charming doesn’t have to be funny.  Charming doesn’t have to be witty.   Charming doesn’t have to be brilliant…though all of these help.  Charming is as easy as being polite, friendly and likable (thank you wikipedia).   I was talking about people who are not very charming with a friend (actually it was he discussing someone not so charming) and he said to me, “oh yeah, you’re charming alright”…like it was an insult.  It was not, #DUH, but I guess he was stating the obvious. 🙂  I am polite.  I try to be friendly.  I hope I’m likable.  That being said, I like some of these tips below.  In case you have someone in your life, who isn’t exactly “charming”, and you can’t quite “kick them to the curb”, share these tips.  You’ll thank me. 😉





how to be charming
How to be charming


Looks like basic, common sense, which we all need to be reminded of.  Oh, and sit up straighter…I write as I’m slouched on the couch trying to pen this blog after a fun night out with my life long friends!  Pic at end of blog.  🙂



From our friends at… Helpful Tips to Be More Charming.  My comments in PINK

1. Develop interests

Sharing common interests is a great way to connect. People love to talk about themselves and will be naturally inclined to engage with you if you show interest in learning about their passions. Develop your interests and knowledge base by staying informed about world affairs, watching a quick TED talk, volunteering, and traveling in order to offer a unique and engaging viewpoint.   Being well-read, well-spoken, able to speak about current affairs, what’s hot on TV, at the movies and in sports will only help you in social situations.  You don’t have to recite every Chicago Bears statistics (though if you can, let’s grab a Stella), but knowing who won the Superbowl, being able to discuss Celebrity Jeopardy from SNL 40 years (best past of the show… Therapist…), and talking about Draft Day, the movie will certainly gain you a seat next to me at the table.  🙂

2. Find your confidence

If you feel unsure about your skill set, study your technical material every day, know the facts about your company, contribute to intelligent dialogues. Improve your self-confidence through positive body language, dressing well, and working out. When your body and mind are in tune, you’ll project confidence.  People think I’m confident.  I’m not.  I do think I’m funny, and think I get funnier the more glasses of wine I consume. 🙂  I truly have an attitude that I am who I am, but I hope you like me for who I am.  Confidence is never about how you look or how you dress, it’s how you feel. Even when I may not feel too terribly terrific, I do try to fake it.   Only confidence, btw. 🙂

3. Own your story

There’s a certain magical quality about charming people—they all have a little mystery. It mostly comes from owning your story. People don’t need all the small details about how you got there or how many times you failed along the way. Instead of, “I barely got that internship,” say, “Working at Google was amazing—we created technologies that changed global business.”  Everyone has a story.  Just don’t always share the bad stuff.  I like to focus on the positive things and not dwell on what’s not great.  Most of the time anyway. 🙂

4. Be happy

Happy people are more fun to interact with and they make others feel good about themselves. The key is not to go overboard—ditch those yellow happy face stickers all over your cubicle. Be conscious of keeping a smile on your face, say hello to people in the hallway (yes, all of them), slow down the rush of your hectic day, and give compliments. It’s true that going to your happy place (think of your last vacation or great date) lowers your blood pressure and creates peaceful feelings, but you’re making the environment pleasant to those around you. Being happy is a choice.  I choose to be happy every day.  Period.  My friend Phyllis (my brilliant friend Phyllis) once told me that her grandmother said, “if everyone took all their troubles and threw them in a pile, you’d pick your own out”.  I think that’s paraphrased from the bible, but I like it the way she told me.  


More things charming


I happen to think you can be Gorgeous, Charming and Irresistible All of your Life.  ❤


Focus on the person.





My friend, S, is Spectacular with Toasts!  Truly, we have been known to toast as many as 20 times at a sitting, thanks to S.  And remember, if possible, you need to look everyone in the eye.  Again, if possible!



I love this and really have never done it.  My very charming and very southern bestie, Kathy P, brought my kids fried chicken the day after my father’s funeral, because they told her I never made fried chicken. (What can I say, I love roasted chicken breasts).  When I told her I was bringing back the tupperware container, she told me, “tupperware containers are meant to circle the globe.  Make something for someone and give it to them in that tupperware container”.  I still have the empty tupperware container, btw.  #BusyLife

ef0b9dde3a88fd9614d68e2b78564cacTrue# 🙂

Cute “Charming” Quote from You’ve Got Mail

Kathleen Kelly: I thought all that Fox stuff was so charming. F-O-X.

Joe Fox: Well, I didn’t *lie* about it.

Kathleen Kelly: “Joe”? “Just call me Joe”? As if you were one of those stupid 22-year old girls with no last name? “Hi, I’m Kimberly!” “Hi, I’m Janice!” Don’t they know you’re supposed to have a last name? It’s like they’re an entire generation of cocktail waitresses.

And another one…

		Everyone is breaking up.  You.  Me.  This
		other person I know broke up with someone
		in an elevator.  I think it was in an
		elevator.  Or just outside it.  Or after
		it.  It got stuck.  I think.  And suddenly
		everything became clear.  When I saw you,
		at the coffee place, I was waiting for him
		and I was --

		-- charming.

		I was not charming.

		Well, you looked charming.

My favorite recipe of the week.  Thank you to my friends with Hyatt for a fun event, where I was introduced to my new obsession:  Truffled Popcorn


Yield: 4-6 servings as a snack
Active time: 5-8 minutes
Start to finish: 5-8 minutes

2 tablespoons grape seed oil
1 cup popcorn kernels
3 tablespoons butter, melted
Truffle salt to taste

  1. Heat a large heavy pot over medium high heat. Add the grape-seed oil and popcorn kernels and stir.
  2. Cover with a lid and cook, shaking the pot occasionally, until the kernels begin to pop.
  3. Reduce the heat to medium low and continue to cook until the sound of the kernels popping slows down considerably.
  4. Remove from the heat, drizzle in the butter and toss well. Season with truffle salt to taste and serve.

Song of the Week – Shots by Imagine Dragons 

I am out of luck I am waiting to break
When I keep saying that I’m looking for a way to escape
Oh I m wishing I had what I’d taken for granted
I can’t help you when I’m only gonna do you wrong


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Speaking of charming… some of the most charming gals I know.  And this is a Horrible picture of me, but I post it because They all look sensational.  #makesmecharming #looksAintEverything #CharmingisthenewBlack

My favorite charming kids 🙂

kownick kids



You know what else is charming?  Hearing from one of my very besties that she has her coffee brought to her by her husband (that’s a bit much 😉 ) and waiting on my blog!  Here it is Dr. Stevie!! xo

well hello weekend

Well, hello weekend!  Make it a great one!!  I’m going car shopping!











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