Who’s your Paddy?


Green is not a color I gravitate towards in my daily wardrobe…that’s because I angle towards black!  I was curious as to the origin of wearing of the green, and went to my trusty source, Google!  There are many different answers, but my favorite was:  Because it’s fun to wear Green and you don’t get pinched. 🙂

 However, since I do desire that my blogs be not only witty, but  useful, this is the answer I feel best works for “why we wear green” on St. Paddy’s Day….and let’s face it, the World is Irish on March 17th.

The Origin of Wearing of the Green

Originally, the colour associated with Saint Patrick was blue. Over the years the colour green and its association with Saint Patrick’s day grew. Green ribbons and shamrocks were worn in celebration of St Patrick’s Day as early as the 17th century. He is said to have used the shamrock to explain the Holy Trinity to the pagan Irish, and the wearing and display of shamrocks and shamrock-inspired designs have become a ubiquitous feature of the day. In the 1798 rebellion, in hopes of making a political statement, Irish soldiers wore full green uniforms on 17 March in hopes of catching public attention. The phrase “the wearing of the green”, meaning to wear a shamrock on one’s clothing, derives from a song of the same name.  (source..Wikipedia!)

The origin of getting pinched if you don’t wear green:

It’s thought that the pinching started in the early 1700s, about the time that awareness of St. Patrick’s as a holiday came to  Boston, in the Massachusetts colony. They thought if you wore green, it made you invisible to the leprechaun’s, which was good because they would pinch anyone they could see. So the pinching is to warn and remind you about the leprechaun’s.

Pinching those not wearing green on St. Patrick’s Day is an American tradition, having really nothing to do with Ireland or St. Patrick Wrong.  The truth is,” Irish people think Americans are crazy”. St. Patrick’s Day is not even remotely celebrated over there as heavily as it is in the US.  God bless the USA! 🙂

And in keeping with my “style theme”, and I again use this term loosely, I thought I’d offer up some ideas so you too can be a “wearer of the Green” on St. Patrick’s Day.  Truly, you can get in the spirit of the Irish, and wear green without looking like a leprechaun!

Green Watch – I own one  from  Anne Klein, and since I don’t always wear green, I wear it on St. Paddy’s Day…of course, with my standard costume of black and white, green can be the accessory color

Emeralds!  I have an emerald tennis bracelet that I rarely wear.  Love it, and note to file…I can wear it on days other than St. Paddy’s day!  Also, any other type of green costume jewelery or a green tie clip!

Green Tie!

Green Sweater Set

Green Shoes…High Heels would be quite festive and put you in the party spirit.    These are Christian Louboutin and they are ultra fabulous…and will set you back about 8 hundo!

A Green Sport Coat – my brother-in-law, Bruce, my first male blog follower used to wear one on this special holiday.  Actually, it’s been brought to my attention that he still does…anywho…This little number is from Ralph Lauren and rings in at $1999.  Not sure this is the one Bruce wears:

Truly any green will do, any with the exception of the Green Eyed Monster…don’t look longingly at those celebrating St. Patrick’s Day…join in the Fun.

Happy St. Patrick’s Day to one and all…and I am so happy that I not only have my own Patrick to celebrate with, but Mer Mer is on spring break, so all 4 of us will be together…and I may partake in a few libations to toast the day.  I will skip the chard and indulge in some Stella Artois!  I know my brother-in-law, Bruce will be enjoying some Guiness..as he refers to it as “mothers milk” …like an angel crying on your tongue”.  I feel that way about Far Niente Chardonnay! 😉



An Old Irish Blessing
May love and laughter light your days,
and warm your heart and home.
May good and faithful friends be yours,
wherever you may roam.
May peace and plenty bless your world
with joy that long endures.
May all life’s passing seasons bring the best to you and yours!


And a few Irish Toasts!

May God grant you many years to live, for sure he must be knowing, the earth has angels all too few and heaven is overflowing…

Always remember to forget
The troubles that passed away.
But never forget to remember
The blessings that come each day.

May you have the hindsight to know where you’ve been,
The foresight to know where you are going,
And the insight to know when you have gone too far.

May the saddest day of your future be no worse than the happiest day of your past.

Celebrate responsibly!


  1. How fun! Enjoy your green bottle of Stella this week on spring break. Green just on Thursday or all week, do you think? I’ve got green shamrocks on my front doors from Joann Fabric, and they’ve made me smile every time I’ve pulled into the driveway this month! Love your upbeat attitude Terry.

  2. And then there are those of us born in August blessed with a lovely green birthstone- Peridot. So we get to wear it any day we like. Bonus!

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